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June 20, 2009

people ask - why are you a vegetarian?

He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals’-Immanuel Kant -(22 April 1724 – 12 February 1804) : 18th-century German philosopher

Osho's insights on vegitarianism  : "Your food is not just food: it is you... What you eat you become"
Osho says: Pythagoras contribution to western philosophy is immense. For the first time he introduced vegetarianism to the West. The idea of vegetarianism is of immense value; it is based on great reverence for life. The modem mind can understand it far better now we know that all forms of life are interrelated, interdependent. Man is not an island: man exists in an infinite web of millions of forms of life and existence. We exist in a chain,we are not separate. And to destroy other animals is not only ugly, unaesthetic, inhuman, it is also unscientific. We are destroying our own foundation.

Pythagoras was not only a mathematician but an enlightened master with his own mystery school.Life exists as one organic unity.Man can exist only as part of this orchestra, just think of man without birds and without animals and without fish, that life will be very very boring; it will lose all complexity, variety, richness, color. The forests will be utterly empty, the cuckoo will not call, and the birds will not fly, and the water will look very sad without the fish. Life in its infinite forms exists as one organic unity. We are part of it: the part should feel reverence for the whole. That is the idea of vegetarianism. It simply means: don't destroy life. It simply means: life is God, avoid destroying it, otherwise you will be destroying the very ecology.

And it has something very scientific behind it. It was not an accident that all the religions that were born in India are basically vegetarian, and all the religions that were born outside India are non-vegetarian. But the highest peaks of religious consciousness were known in India and nowhere else. Vegetarianism functioned as a purification. When you eat animals you are more under the law of necessity. You are heavy, you gravitate more towards the earth. When you are a vegetarian you are light and you are more under the law of grace, under the law of power, and you start gravitating towards the sky.Your food is not just food: it is you.

What you eat, you become.If you eat something which is fundamentally based on violence, you cannot rise above the law of necessity. You will remain more or less an animal. The human is born when you start moving above the animals, when you start doing something to yourself which no animal can do.Vegetarianism is a conscious effort, a deliberate effort, to get out of the heaviness that keeps you tethered to the earth so that you can fly, so that the flight from the alone to the alone becomes possible.The lighter the food, the deeper goes the meditation. The grosser the food, then meditation becomes more and more difficult. I am not saying that meditation is impossible for a non-vegetarian it is not impossible, but it is unnecessarily difficult. It is like a man who is going to climb a mountain, and he goes on carrying many rocks. It is possible that even when you are carrying rocks you may reach to the mountain peak, but it creates unnecessary trouble. You could have thrown those rocks, you could have unburdened yourself, and the climb would have been easier, far more pleasant.The intelligent person will not carry rocks when he is going to the mountain, will not carry anything unnecessary. And the higher he moves, the lighter and lighter he will become. Even if he is carrying something, he will drop it.

When Edmund Hillary and Tenzing reached Everest for the first time, they had to drop everything on the way because the higher they moved, the more difficult it was to carry anything. Even very essential things were dropped. just to carry yourself is more than enough.Vegetarianism is of immense help. It changes your chemistry. When you eat and live on animals ... The first thing: whenever an animal is killed the animal is angry, afraid-naturally. When you kill an animal ... just think of yourself being killed. What will be the state of your consciousness ? What will be your psychology? All kinds of poisons will be released in your body, because when you are angry a certain kind of poison is released into your blood, When you are afraid, again a certain other kind of poison is released into your blood. And when you are being killed that is the utmost in fear, anger. All the glands in your body release all their poison.And man goes on living on that poisoned meat. If it keeps you angry, violent, aggressive, it is not strange; it is natural. Whenever you live on killing, you don't have any respect for life; you are inimical to life. And the person who is inimical to life cannot move into prayer, because prayer, means reverence for life. And one who is inimical to Gods creatures cannot be very friendly towards God either. If you destroy Picasso's paintings.you cannot be very respectful towards Picasso, it is impossible.All the creatures belong to God, God lives in them, God breathes in them, they are his manifestation, just as you are. They are brothers and sisters. When you see an animal, if the idea of brotherhood does not arise in you, you don't know what prayer is. And the very idea that just for food, just for taste, you can destroy life, is so ugly. It is impossible to believe that man goes on doing it.

Pythagoras was the first to introduce vegetarianism to the West.It is of profound depth for man to learn how to live in friendship with creatures. That becomes the foundation. And only on that foundation can you base your prayer, your meditativenes. You can watch it in yourself: when you eat meat, meditation will be found to be more and more difficult. Buddha was born in a non-vegetarian family. He was a kshatriya, belonged to the warrior race, but the experience of meditation, slowly slowly transformed him into a vegetarian. It was his inner understanding: whenever he ate meat, meditation was more difficult; whenever he avoided meat, meditation was easier. It was just a simple observation. You will be surprised to know that the greatest vegetarians in the world have been Jains, but all their twenty four Masters were born into families of non vegetarians. They were all warriors; they were brought up as fighters. All the twenty four masters of the Jains were kshatriyas. What happened? Why did these people who were brought up, conditioned from the very beginning to eat meat, create one day the greatest movement in the world for vegetarianism? just because of their experiments with meditation. It is an unavoidable fact that if you want to meditate, if you want to become thoughtless, if you want to become light, so light that the earth cannot pull you downwards, so light that the sky becomes available to you, then you have to move from non-vegetarian conditioning to the freedom of vegetarianism.Vegetarianism has nothing to do with religion: it is something basically scientific. It has nothing to do with morality, but it has much to do with aesthetics.

It is unbelievable that a man of sensitivity, awareness, understanding, love, can eat meat. And if he can eat meat then something is missing, he is still unconscious somewhere of what he is doing, unconscious of the implications of his acts. But Pythagoras was not heard, not believed, on the contrary, he was ridiculed, persecuted. And he had brought one of the greatest treasures from the East to the West. He had brought great experiment, if he had been heard, the West would have been a totally different world. The problem that has arisen today, that we have destroyed nature, would never have arisen. If Pythagoras had become the foundation for the western consciousness, there would not have been these great world wars. He would have changed the whole course of history. He tried hard, he did whatsoever he could, it is not his fault. But people are blind, people are deaf; they can't hear a thing, they can't understand a thing. And they are not ready to change their habits.People live in their habits, mechanically they live. And he had brought a message of becoming aware. Great meditative energy would have been released in the West. It would have become impossible to produce Adolf Hitlers and Mussolinis and Stalins. It would have been a totally different world. But still the same old habit persists.We cannot change human consciousness unless we start by changing the human body.When you eat meat you are absorbing the animal in you, and the animal has to be transcended. Avoid it if you really want to go higher and higher, if you really want to go to the sunlit peaks of your consciousness, if you want to know God, then you will have to change in every possible way. You will have to look all around your life, you will have to observe each small habit in detail because sometimes a very small thing can change your whole life. Sometimes it may be a very simple thing, and it can change your life so totally that it looks almost unbelievable.

Try vegetarianism and you will be surprised: meditation becomes far easier. Love becomes more subtle, loses its grossness, becomes more sensitive but less sensuous, becomes more prayerful and less sexual. And your body also starts taking on a different vibe. You become more graceful, softer, more feminine, less aggressive, more receptive.

Vegetarianism is an alchemical change in you. It creates the space in which the baser metal can be transformed into gold.

April 16, 2009

The Luminous Rainbow - Shravan

The luminous Rainbow fills my heart with ecstasy ..
So do the moon and the glittering stars in the darkest sky..
The beauty of the sunrise reminds me about the synergy of the universe..
and the sunset creates a convergence in my soul..
The silver strings around the clouds play the sweetest music in my being..
The breeze gently kisses my cheeks as though I am her childhood companion..
The dance of the raindrops carries me into a trance!
The waves and foam on the sea are playful when I am near..
and my whole universe is a marvelous dream.
Still, oftentimes I ponder ..
Though I am an infinite drop in this infinite ocean,
why do I feel so finite and estranged in my own consciousness?
Created by Shravan : 15/04/09

April 12, 2009

The Desert has a flowery Heart - By Shravan

Have you ever looked deep into the heart of the desert? Ever wondered at that flowery heart?

Even in the midst of the driest desert, under the burning sand, when the rain drops come down and kiss its heart, the longing of the desert sprouts. I have always gazed at those flowers in overwhelming wonder! They appear as though from nowhere covering the entire desert with yellow carpets and mysteriously vanish 
as they had never been when the season ends.

Seeing them, I pondered if the potentiality was sleeping beneath, in which unknown season the seeds were sown? Nobody knows! I now realize that fragrance, beauty and innocence were the qualities sleeping in the desert’s innermost core and with unconditional love they bloom in the right season.

It seems to me this gesture of the desert is a reminder for every human heart about its beautiful garden sleeping deep inside. Though long forgotten, the potentiality for love is still very alive in everybody’s heart. It has only been eclipsed by our restless mind. Only the heavy weight of feverishness is to be removed. Cool your heart with the rain drops of meditative silence, love will definitely sprout there and transform the desert of your heart into a garden of flowers – the very luminosity of your spirit will be revealed.

Thoughts & Pictures by Shravan

March 12, 2009

The Poetry of the Heart - Osho

The intelligence of the head is not intelligence at all; it is knowledgeability. The intelligence of the heart is the intelligence, the only intelligence there is. The head is simply an accumulator. It is always old, it is never new, it is never original. It is good for certain purposes: For filing it is perfectly good! And in life one needs this– many things have to be remembered. The mind, the head, is a biocomputer. You can go on accumulating knowledge in it and whenever you need it you can take it out. It is good for mathematics, good for calculation, good for the day-to-day life, the marketplace. But if you think this is your whole life then you will remain stupid. You will never know the beauty of feeling and you will never know the blessings of the heart. You will never know the grace that descends only through the heart, the godliness that enters only through the heart. You will never know prayer, you will never know poetry, you will never know love.

The intelligence of the heart creates poetry in your life, gives a dance to your step, makes your life a joy, a celebration, a festivity, a laughter. It gives you a sense of humor. It makes you capable of love, of sharing. That is true life. The life that is lived from the head is a mechanical life. You become a robot– maybe very efficient. Robots are very efficient, machines are more efficient than man. You can earn much through the head, but you will not live much. You may have a better standard of living but you won't have any life.

Life is of the heart. Life can only grow through the heart. It is the soil of the heart where love grows, life grows, spirit grows. All that is beautiful, all that is really valuable, all that is meaningful, significant, comes through the heart. The heart is your very center, the head is just your periphery. To live in the head is to live on the circumference without ever becoming aware of the beauties and the treasures of the center. To live on the periphery is stupidity.

To live in the head is stupidity. To live in the heart and use the head whenever it is needed is intelligence. But the center, the master, is at the very core of your being.

The master is the heart, and the head is just a servant– this is intelligence. When the head becomes the master and forgets all about the heart, that is stupidity.

It is up to you to choose. Remember, the head as a slave is a beautiful slave, of much utility. But as a master it is a dangerous master and will destroy your whole life, will poison your whole life. Look around! People's lives are absolutely poisoned, poisoned by the head. They cannot feel, they are no longer sensitive, nothing thrills them. The sun rises but nothing rises in them; they look at the sun empty-eyed. The sky becomes full of the stars– the marvel, the mystery!– but nothing stirs in their hearts, no song arises. Birds sing– man has forgotten to sing. Clouds come in the sky and the peacocks dance, and man does not know how to dance. He has become a cripple. Trees bloom– and man thinks, never feels, and without feeling there is no flowering possible.

Watch, scrutinize, observe, have another look at your life. Nobody else is going to help you. You have depended on others so long; that's why you have become stupid. Now, take care; it is your own responsibility. You owe it to yourself to have a deep, penetrating look at what you are doing with your life. Is there any poetry in your heart? If it is not there, then don't waste time. Help your heart to weave and spin poetry. Is there any romance in your life? If there is not, then you are already in your grave.

Come out of it! Let life have something of the romantic in it, something like adventure. Explore! Millions of beauties and splendors are waiting for you. You go on moving around and around, never entering into the temple of life. The door is the heart.

The real intelligence is of the heart. It is not intellectual, it is emotional. It is not like thinking, it is like feeling. It is not logic, it is love.

Love is available only to those who go on sharpening their intelligence. Love is not for the mediocre…love is not for the unintelligent. The unintelligent person may become a great intellectual. In fact unintelligent people try to become intellectuals; that is their way of hiding their unintelligence. Love is not for the intellectual. Love needs a totally different kind of talent– a talented heart, not a talented head.

Love has its own intelligence, its own way of seeing, perceiving, its own way of understanding life, its own way of comprehending the mystery of existence. The poet is far closer to it than the philosopher. And the mystic is exactly inside the temple. The poet is on the steps and the philosopher is just outside. At the most he can approach the driveway, but never the steps. He goes on round and round. He goes on moving around the temple, studying the outer walls of the temple, and becomes so enchanted that he forgets completely that the outer walls are not the real temple and that the deity is inside.

The poet reaches the door, but the door is so beautiful that he becomes hypnotized. He thinks he has arrived– what more can there be? The philosopher is lost in guessing what is inside. He never goes there, he simply thinks, philosophizes. The poet tries to penetrate into the mystery but gets hooked near the door. The mystic enters into the very innermost sanctum of the temple.

The way is love, and the way is a loving intelligence. When love and intelligence meet together you create the space in which all that is possible to a human being can become actual. A loving intelligence is what is needed. Intelligence alone becomes intellectual, love alone becomes sentimentality, but a loving intelligence never becomes intellectuality or sentimentality. It gives you a new kind of integrity, a new crystallization.

The preceding was excerpted with permission from Intelligence: The Creative Response to Now,
St. Martin's Griffin, New York, 2004.